Professional Laundry Solutions
Efficient cleaning services keep your laundry business chemical-free while still meeting all environmental standards.
When running a laundry service, liquid detergents and fabric softeners are usually disregarded for income estimation. Business owners usually want to cover their customers’ chemical limitations. Laundry detergent is an important product for every business that serves customers.
Lucky 8 Laundry Lounge explains how the laundry business affects the environment and how there are various chemicals. Today, we have found the perfect chemical for your laundering business after extensive research, and we have been quite careful.
In addition to being ecologically responsible, using the right chemicals for your laundry service will increase your earnings due to their efficiency!

Our Pro LS chemicals:
- Provide high potential revenue because of its high efficiency!
- Give the washer double the lifespan!
- Produce less waste!
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Start Your Dream Laundry Business with Our Customized Products and Services
Stop dreaming; start washing! Design your laundry business with Lucky 8-tailored products and services.

Our High-Quality Products: To Your Laundry Business Success
- 23 J. Molina st. Concepcion Uno Marikina City
- lucky80enterprise@gmail.com
- 09992222162
- Open Everyday 07:00 am – 09:00 pm